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Agroindustry Definition

ag·ro·in·dus·try (noun)Definition:1. agriculture  Same as agribusiness2. industry involving agricultural products: the operations and businesses that are associated with the industrial processing of agricultural products. or Industry...
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Value added Definition

In common days we oftenly heard value added word. This word oftenly using as a technical term used in economic. But in this part i will explained about Definition of Value Added in Agriculture terms. Velue added means The enhancement added to a product...
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History of Agriculture

Talking about agroindustry in present days, we also talking about agriculture it self. Agriculture and farming activity is start almost a thousand years ago. Pinpointing the absolute beginnings of agriculture is problematic because the transition away...
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Why Organic Farming Hard to Apply?

All aspects of organic farming and organic food are under debate. Environmentalists, food safety advocates, various consumer protection, social justice and labor groups, small independent farmers, and a growing number of food consumers are ranged...
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Tips to Help Our Environtment Sustainability

We as a citizens have a responsibilty. A responsible citizens need to put in some efforts to do our bit at the grass root level. This can be easily done by inculcating some simple ways to help the environment in our day to day life. Though the efforts...
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